It's been a while since I've written about the Royals on here. If you haven't known yet, I've started writing Fantasy Baseball articles for a company. What an interesting 64 games it has been so far for the Kansas City Royals. 32-32. 3rd place (3 games back) in the Central, 2 games out of the Wild Card. We have seen an offensive struggle to score even a single run. We have seen a pitching staff make hitters look like they don't know what they're doing. And most importantly, the Royals took three out of four from the St. Louis Cardinals and two of three so far (game No. 4 on August 25th) from the New York Yankees.
It's June 11th and the Royals are 32-32. Let that sink in. In May of 2013, the Royals won just 8 games while losing 20. Last month, the Royals went 12-17. Not great but it's better than last year. The month of May last season might have cost them the playoffs. So how big are 12 wins and only 17 losses in May? On June 11th, 2014, the Royals were 29-33 and 6.5 games back in the Central. 32-32 (not including today's game) and only 3 games back in the Central is certainly better.
The Royals shouldn't worry though about standings at this point in the season, it's too early. They should continue to focus on hitting as a team, winning as a team, and striving to improve even more.
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